Then go to Avast Shield Control and select it.First, you need to right-click the Avast icon on the bottom of your screen.

You can also disable Avast antivirus using the system tray.Method 2: Deactivate Avast Antivirus on Windows 10 Using the System Tray Here is another method of disabling Avast antivirus. NB: Remember to go Task Manager and End Task because Avast Antivirus will be running. With that, you will have disabled Avast antivirus on your PC.

If you need to install any program with ease, you must disable the Avast antivirus. You will get such a notification when you are installing a new program that might affect your PC. Are you getting challenges during the installation of a new program in your Windows 10 PC? It might be due to the installed antivirus.